Tammy Westergard

Tammy Westergard

State Librarian


Tammy's great passion is advancing educational opportunities through the library. She enjoys helping people strengthen key skills and abilities so they can step into living wage jobs and see where life takes them from there. Tammy Westergard is the Nevada State Librarian and Administrator at the Nevada State Library, Archives and Public Records. She graduated from the University of North Texas library science program in 2014, and was recognized as an "agent of change" among a national list of 2016 Movers & Shakers profiled in Library Journal. Her Mover and Shaker recognition was earned in part for pioneering work that demonstrated public libraries as an essential onramp for workforce development in advanced manufacturing. The effort has helped people land jobs at places like Tesla/Panasonic in northern Nevada. Passionate about marketable skills and opportunities for everyone she says, "At the library you can get your feet on the floor and figure things out one step at a time."

Monday, March 30th

3:30 pm
4:10 pm
Harbor Ballroom C, Harbor Tower, 2nd Level
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The U.S. federal government alone distributes over $10B to workforce programs across the nation for retraining, upskilling, and job placement initiatives. There is a growing appetite to invest this capital in innovative private company and public workforce partnerships that…

Mark Andersen, Frank Kelley, Tammy Westergard, Kevin Mills