Rich Pierson

Rich Pierson

Co-Founder and CEO


In his twenties, Rich was a successful advertising industry executive at BBH in the U.K. The unrelenting stress of the ad business, however, caused Rich to abandon his lucrative, yet anxiety-producing career to study acupuncture. This new life journey led to a chance meeting with co-founder Andy Puddicombe, an ordained Buddhist monk who had just returned from 10 years in meditative retreat. Rich wanted to find a more peaceful, fulfilling path and Andy wanted to share his life-affirming learnings with the world, so they did a skills swap. Andy taught Rich meditation, while Rich educated Andy on brand development and marketing. In 2010, the duo created Headspace with a shared vision for demystifying meditation and making it accessible to all. With 60+ million members in 190 countries, Andy, Rich and the dedicated Headspace team are delivering on their mission to improve happiness and health around the world. Rich lives in Santa Monica, California with his wife and daughter.

Wednesday, April 1st

12:00 pm
1:50 pm
Stage X, Seaport A-E, Seaport Tower, 2nd Level
Live Stream

Fireside Chat: Richard Pierson, CEO & Co-Founder, Headspace and Taylor Nieman, Co-Founder & CEO, Toucan Fireside Chat: Jayne Parker, Senior Executive Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer, The Walt Disney Company Closing Keynote: Michael Sorrell, President, Paul…

Michael Sorrell, Taylor Nieman, Rich Pierson, Jayne Parker