Joslyn Villalpando

Joslyn Villalpando

Director of Arts Programming


Joslyn Villalpando is from a small Ohio town, daughter of a Methodist minister and a teacher, the middle child between an older sister and younger brother. She lives in Chicago's Humboldt Park with her husband, 2 year old daughter, Josephine, and dog, Winslow. One of her favorite past time activities is training for 'casual' triathlons, stopping along the races to breathe in her surroundings and smell the flowers. After studying fine art and art education at the University of Cincinnati, she spent 8 years teaching elementary art. While teaching, she completed her master's degree at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC), studying the impact of craft and fiber art on building community within a group of makers. For the last 4 years, Joslyn has been working with KIPP Chicago and their Children's Museum of Art and Social Justice to design and curate the exhibitions, offer tours to outside groups, and create lesson plans from each art show to share with educators.

Tuesday, March 31st

4:15 pm
4:55 pm
Harbor Ballroom C, Harbor Tower, 2nd Level
Live Stream

KIPP Chicago has launched a comprehensive Whole Child Initiative focused on engaging, supporting, and challenging students and staff as well as the communities in which we work. Key priorities for this initiative include integrated social emotional learning and support for…

Jennifer Hodges, Joslyn Villalpando, Brittany Jones, Tessa Catlett