Alex McDowell

Alex McDowell

Creative Director


Alex McDowell, RDI, creative director, award-winning designer at the intersection of emergent technologies and experiential media. Production designer in feature films (1990-2012). His design work on Minority Report (2002) was seminal for its vision of near future technology and new design systems. Professor, USC Media Arts + Practice, Endowed chair in Production Design. Director, World Building Media Lab: immersive storytelling, narrative design across multiple platforms. Research in the development of a visual language for Molecular Biology. Co-founder at Experimental - systems design, narrative design, story worlds for Industry and Institution. Visiting Artist MIT Media Lab - robot opera Death and the Powers (2005-10). Getty Research Institute scholar (2016). Academy of Motion Pictures Design Branch and Sci-Tech Council. Board-member of UK Government's Arts and Humanities Research Council. Royal Designer for Industry, UK's Royal Society of Arts.

Tuesday, March 31st

4:15 pm
4:55 pm
Harbor Ballroom I, Harbor Tower, 2nd Level
Live Stream

In this panel the Cook Inlet Tribal Council, a pioneering Alaska Native social service organization, will share how they’re working with veteran film and video game storytellers to inclusively research, visualize and create narratives that blend the timeless wisdom of the…

Amy Fredeen, Alan Gershenfeld, Alex McDowell