Powerball: Preeminent Thought Leaders Discuss Systemic Inequities in Higher Ed
Tuesday, March 31st
10:00 am
10:40 am
Seaport F, Seaport Tower, 2nd Level
Add to Calendar Mar 31, 2020 10:00AM Mar 31, 2020 10:40AM America/Los_Angeles Powerball: Preeminent Thought Leaders Discuss Systemic Inequities in Higher Ed - ASU GSV Summit 2020 Powerball: Preeminent Thought Leaders Discuss Systemic Inequities in Higher Ed\nChannel: Higher Ed\n\nThe authors of Indebted: How Families Make College Work at Any Cost, Pedigree, and The Years That Matter Most: How College Makes or Breaks Us discuss limits of current systems of admissions, student finance, and career placement. The panelists suggest a pivot point in higher…\n\nCaitlin Zaloom, Mitchell Stevens, Lauren Rivera, Paul Tough\n\nTuesday, March 31st\n10:00AM - 10:40AM\n\nFor more details visit: https://www.asugsvsummit.com/live-stream/schedule https://www.asugsvsummit.com/live-stream/schedule
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Powerball: Preeminent Thought Leaders Discuss Systemic Inequities in Higher Ed
The authors of Indebted: How Families Make College Work at Any Cost, Pedigree, and The Years That Matter Most: How College Makes or Breaks Us discuss limits of current systems of admissions, student finance, and career placement. The panelists suggest a pivot point in higher education history — now — that presents opportunity for dramatic positive change.

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