Sergey Karayev

Sergey Karayev

Head of AI for STEM


Sergey Karayev's goal is to develop and deploy AI systems to improve human life. In 2014, he finished a PhD in Computer Science at UC Berkeley and co-founded Gradescope, an AI-assisted platform for instructors to grade exams, homework, programming projects, and labs. In 2018, Gradescope was acquired by Turnitin in order to expand into STEM grading. Sergey is an instructor of a popular weekend program on Full Stack Deep Learning, and was recently selected for the 2019 UW Engineering Early Career Award.

Tuesday, March 31st

10:45 am
11:25 am
Andes, Harbor Ballroom G, Harbor Tower, 2nd Level
Live Stream

Sergey Karayev’s goal is to develop and deploy AI systems to improve human life. In 2014, he finished a PhD in Computer Science at UC Berkeley and co-founded Gradescope, the AI-assisted platform for instructors to grade exams, homework, programming projects, and labs. In…

Sergey Karayev

Wednesday, April 1st

10:00 am
10:40 am
Harbor Ballroom G, Harbor Tower, 2nd Level
Live Stream

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning have the potential to automate, optimize and advance decision making in higher education. Potential areas may include anticipating enrollment, assisting in enrollment selection, predicting student success and informing learning…

Sergey Karayev, Andreas Oranje, Lev Gonick, Nikki Eatchel, Jerry Gorham