Robert Brown

Robert Brown

Head of Government Affairs


Mr. Brown is responsible for the federal, state, and local public and government relations for TuSimple. Working with legislators and regulators on best practices for safety, commercial viability, and policies. He works on building coalitions of industry, OEMs, Tier 1 providers, associations, and academics in the autonomous vehicle industry. Prior to TuSimple, he worked for the state of California, was Vice President at the Mitchell Firm, taught at Oxford University and University of California, San Diego.

Tuesday, March 31st

2:45 pm
3:25 pm
Seaport F, Seaport Tower, 2nd Level
Live Stream

In a world where disruption is happening in almost every workplace, and where competition for good jobs is fierce, professional development is more important than ever before. Recent surveys suggest that giving people the opportunity to upskill is the most important thing…

John Baker, Tamera Maresh-Carver, RICHARD IRWIN, Ian Roark,Ed.D, Robert Brown