Nikki Eatchel

Nikki Eatchel

Chief Assessment Officer


Nikki Eatchel has more than 24 years of experience in the assessment industry. She has spent the majority of her career focused in the areas of assessment development and psychometrics and has served in executive leadership positions for these areas in a number of global assessment organizations. In her positions she has worked in the education, certification and licensure, and employment testing markets. She has been personally responsible for large-scale, global assessment programs as well as statewide clients, working in some capacity with all 50 states within the U.S. Nikki was the Chair of the Board for the Association of Test Publishers (ATP) in 2017 and currently serves as an Executive Board Member. She has presented over 60 papers and presentations at such conferences as ATP, E-ATP, the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO), the International Personnel Management Association (IPMA), and the Council on Licensure, Enforcement, and Regulation (CLEAR).

Wednesday, April 1st

10:00 am
10:40 am
Harbor Ballroom G, Harbor Tower, 2nd Level
Live Stream

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning have the potential to automate, optimize and advance decision making in higher education. Potential areas may include anticipating enrollment, assisting in enrollment selection, predicting student success and informing learning…

Sergey Karayev, Andreas Oranje, Lev Gonick, Nikki Eatchel, Jerry Gorham