The True Cost of the Student Debt Crisis
Monday, March 30th
2:00 pm
2:40 pm
Harbor Ballroom B, Harbor Tower, 2nd Level
Add to Calendar Mar 30, 2020 02:00PM Mar 30, 2020 02:40PM America/Los_Angeles The True Cost of the Student Debt Crisis - ASU GSV Summit 2020 The True Cost of the Student Debt Crisis\nChannel: Higher Ed\n\nWe all know that student debt now exceeds $1.5 trillion. But underneath that eye-popping figure, what is the true cost - to graduates and the economy at large? What are the economic implications? what is the impact on productivity? How does this alter education attainment?…\n\nElizabeth Akers, Femi Adebogun, Will Sealy, Marc Boxser, Scott Smallwood\n\nMonday, March 30th\n02:00PM - 02:40PM\n\nFor more details visit:
Higher Ed
Bending the Cost Arc
Higher Ed
The True Cost of the Student Debt Crisis
We all know that student debt now exceeds $1.5 trillion. But underneath that eye-popping figure, what is the true cost - to graduates and the economy at large? What are the economic implications? what is the impact on productivity? How does this alter education attainment? Panelists will debate the ROI of Higher Education for different groups of students, how we tackle this growing crisis, and why we should.

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