Teaching and Learning with the Power of Place
Tuesday, March 31st
2:00 pm
3:20 pm
Coronado E, Harbor Tower, 4th Level
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Teaching and Learning with the Power of Place
Placed-Based Education (“PBE”) is an immersive learning experience that “places students in local heritage, cultures, landscapes, opportunities and experiences, using these as a foundation for the study of language arts, mathematics, social studies, science and other subjects across the curriculum.” PBE is also a natural complement to Personalized and Project-Based Learning, providing a way to connect these efforts to students' local environment for engaging learning that leads to more engaged citizens. While educators inherently recognize the value in PBE, the HOW of implementing it for their students remains a barrier. This workshop will explore how schools and districts can approach PBE from an instructional standpoint to provide their students with these powerful learning experiences.

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